
Since 2023

Discovering the Professional Potential of War Participants

The aftermath of the Artsakh War in 2020 was an entire generation of young persons with acquired disability and vague future. Armenia is not a disability-friendly country both in terms of infrastructure and people. So, this was a new reality emerging for the disabled people and the society.

The civil society sector here played a crucial role with the initiation and implementation of relevant projects aimed at addressing the immediate needs of the newly emerged target group that are also in line and complementing the initiatives by the State.

In January 2022 "My Step” Foundation launched the project on “Discovering the Professional Potential of War Participants aimed at supporting their socio-economic reintegration, improving their quality of life by creating opportunities for them to use their full potential. Evidence shows that economic integration is the most useful way to ensure the inclusion of an individual in society, as it contributes to the latter’s financial stability, self-sufficiency, and social welfare.

Acknowledging the importance of standing by the side of homeland defenders and supporting them in their attempts to restart their lives, the Izmirlian Foundation will support “My step” Foundation in its Project on “Discovering the Professional Potential of War Participants” aimed at supporting their socio-economic reintegration.

The goal of the Project is fostering the socio-economic reintegration of disabled military personnel residing in the provinces of Armenia by promoting employment and the motivation to work.

The specific objectives of the Project are:

Objective 1: Enhanced capacities, knowledge and skills among disabled military personnel.

Objective 2: Enhanced economic opportunities for disabled military personnel.

The Project direct beneficiaries are 50 military personnel with acquired disability due to the 44-day war in Artsakh in 2020.

Project indirect beneficiaries are family members of direct beneficiaries.

The Project will be implemented by "My Step” Foundation.